
March 20, 2012

Montgomery County Real Estate Update

I admit it, I’ve been bad and have shirked my responsibility as a blogger. In fact, I may have lost the right to be called such. Obviously, I haven’t posted in ages… although the reason is actually quite positive. Things on the real estate front have picked up considerably, so […]
February 17, 2012

Ambler Arts Festival 2012

Mark your calendars for the 2012, Ambler Arts Festival! Saturday, June 16, 11am – 7pm you are invited to spend the day in downtown Ambler taking in local, hand crafted art, great music, food and shopping. This fabulous event is not to be missed! As we get closer to the […]
January 21, 2012

Sunday at St. Mary’s

Last Sunday, St Mary’s Villa for Children and Families opened their doors to the public for the first time in over decade. There was an overwhelming response from the community, as the former Mattison estate is an incredible piece of property that many have been curious about for quite some […]
January 13, 2012

A Little Something to Whet Your Whistle

Today was one of those jump up and click your heels kind of day; not only was I able to sit down and enjoy great conversation with fellow Amblerites, but I also had the privilege of getting a sneak peek into Forest & Main Brewing Company! I, along with many […]
January 12, 2012

Ambler Food Co-op

In case you’ve missed the buzz, there is a group of people working to bring a food co-op to Ambler. If you’re an Amblerite, I don’t need to tell you the impact that this would have on our community; if you’re not, let’s just say, it would be HUGE! Since […]
December 19, 2011

Ambler Restaurant Week, Winter Edition

Our first Restaurant Week this past July was such a huge success that we’ve decided to do a winter edition! Mark your calendar for the third week in January; Monday, 1/16 through Sunday, 1 /22 (keep in mind some restaurants are not open 7 days a week, check website for […]
December 17, 2011

The Display Contest Rolls On…

See window displays from Julia’s, Rosey’s, Essenza, and Ambler Pizza.
December 16, 2011

State Farm, Dressed For The Season!

State Farm has clearly put quite a bit of time and effort into their window display, a wish list and all! Scroll through and take a look!  
December 13, 2011

Cafe Maida, I mean, Caffe Maida

I have enjoyed countless cups of cappuccino and tea at Caffe Maida over the years, although it was just recently that I realized it is Caffe Maida, not Cafe Maida. It struck me while resizing the photos below, odd that I never noticed (clearly it’s plain as day) but nonetheless, a new discovery for me. Regardless, they have […]
December 12, 2011

Windows, Windows, and More Windows!

As you may have read in my previous post, I’m a little behind so I’ve grouped some displays together. Featured here is Pure Spa, Gravity, In These Shoes and Sew Vintage.
December 12, 2011

Excuses, Excuses!

I apologize for not keeping up with the holiday window display posts as promised, I was out of town for a real estate convention for a week and totally fell behind. Although I’m off schedule with the photo posts I had a great convention and learned a TON! However, I did […]
December 2, 2011

And, we’re off!

The title of this post was going to be “On the first day of Ambler’s Holiday Window Display Contest the Merchants Created To Be…” (hopefully you’ve read this in tempo to the tune of  The Twelve Days of Christmas), but I thought that could quickly get out of hand as […]