
January 27, 2010

Ambler is on YouTube!

Check out these little gems… [youtube=] [youtube=]
November 17, 2009

Home Buyer Tax Credit

Ok, I’ve been putting it off for a week, here is my obligatory tax credit post.  Don’t be confused by my lack of enthusiasm, the tax credit is a great incentive to buyers and sellers alike.  I believe that it will help push the economy forward in the short-term; what this credit […]
September 30, 2009

Ambler Real Estate News

It is hard to believe that we only have three months left in 2009!  If the calender didn’t aptly bring this to light, I would have deduced the impending winter due to the seemingly abrupt need for a wool poncho and slippers while writing this.  Anyway… I thought it would be a […]
September 22, 2009

Jazz on Film

Be sure to check out the new autumn series at Ambler Theater, Jazz on Film, starting Wednesday November 4th.  This great new series will explore the unique influence that Jazz has had in the movies.  Expect to have your senses delighted by the likes of Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, and […]
September 3, 2009

Attention Ambler Business Owners!

Did you know that there is a grant currently available for the repair, rehabilitation and restoration of commercial storefronts and fa?ades in Ambler?  To be eligible you must own or lease a commercial building in Ambler and be a contributor to Ambler Main Street at the Silver level ($250+).  The project must […]
August 3, 2009

Don’t miss out on the first time home buyer tax credit!

At the rate we’re going November 30th will be here before we know it! That date is the deadline for first time home buyers to take advantage of the $8000 tax credit currently offered by our government. This credit is refundable, which means if your total tax liability for 2009 […]
June 24, 2009

Who knew “The Man” had a sense of humor?

Ambler’s finest recently added these little gems to many of the borough stop signs.  I think they’re great; I smile every time I see one, and you know what they say… “to be forewarned is to be forearmed.”
June 19, 2009

Shanachie gets a facelift

  Taking a stroll through downtown Ambler last weekend I stopped dead in my tracks, not only was The Shanachie undergoing a radical change, but guess who was heading up the project?  None other than Ed Egan, owner of The Shanachie Irish Pub.  Now if that isn’t small town, I don’t know what […]
March 30, 2009

Have you noticed something is missing from the Ambler Theater?

    Well, not for long.  As of  Wednesday April 1st Ambler Theater will have a new marquee, or canopy as it is accurately called.  After 80 years the theater’s original canopy had taken a beating, I’m talking Fight Club kind of beating.  I’m sure in recent years you’ve passed […]
March 26, 2009

Recent economic news

Overall economic trends continue to be down, but offset this past week by some positive news: Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s release of the details of the government’s plan to reduce toxic assets held by banks is an important step in stabilizing the banking system The S&P 500 stock market is up […]
March 20, 2009

Hello out there…

Greetings and happy spring!  I have finally decided to saddle up and join the blogger nation.  I am quite obviously a novice to the world of blogging, but it seems there is no better way to start than to jump right in! I am a  real estate professional who is […]