Hello, and thanks for visiting me online! You are likely here to learn a little bit about me before having an actual conversation, so I’ve included some information about myself, as well as some thoughts which I feel are important. If you like what you read and you’d like to start a conversation, let’s connect!

My real estate career began in April 2006. As the market had yet to peak, you may be thinking what a great time to jump in, but honestly, I sold one house in 2006 and three in 2007, so by the time I really started working in my business, the market had crashed. Surprisingly, that ended up being a good thing, as I had to learn how work harder and smarter in order to adapt to the market conditions. My business grew slowly, but steadily, and I am proud to say that I have consistently been a top producer for my company since 2013 (often landing in the top 1% of the BHHS National Network). As of this writing, I have sold over 350 homes, helping hundreds of people achieve their hopes and dreams. 

I have been with the same company for my entire career, Prudential Fox & Roach for six years, until the big guy (Warren B) took over in 2012, changing our family name to Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Fox & Roach Realtors. Whew, if that isn’t a mouth full! I just like to say Fox & Roach, as I’m into the whole brevity thing (side note: if you get that reference, we will definitely click). My company is fantastic, offering great resources and support, however, I don’t think that should be your primary concern when selecting an agent. The agent you chose is far more important than the company they work for. That said, a wise agent will have done their due diligence and selected a primo company, so for you, it should be a win/win. 

In addition to glowing client testimonials and a stellar production record, I have been selected (solely through client evaluation) as a Five Star Real Estate Agent (as seen in Philadelphia Magazine) since the inception of the program in 2010, and every year since.

I believe in the law of attraction and almost always see this in action with my clients. Looking back over the past 19 years, a strong working relationship (and sometimes social) has existed with almost every client. The relationship between agent and client is very important, as not only will be you spending a lot of time together, but you will be having critical conversations and sometimes working through tough decisions surrounding what may be the largest financial transaction of your life. Trust and confidence is absolutely paramount and if we don’t have that, then we aren’t a good fit. I’ve had several people over the years ask me if they need to sign a contract to get started and my answer is always no. I feel that it is extremely important for us to get to know each other a bit to ensure that we are a good match. Let’s face it, some people just don’t vibe and I am okay with that. I put everything into my work and commitment to my clients, therefore, I want to make sure that my time and energy is properly invested, as should you. 

On a personal note, I live in Ambler Borough. My first home was just down the road, in Upper Dublin, but after spending so much time volunteering for Ambler Main Street, I wasn’t satisfied living outside of the borough limits anymore. After starting Ambler Restaurant Week, creating The Ambler Arts Festival (which morphed into the Arts & Music Festival/Ambler Fest), being part of an amazing four woman crew who brought a (once) thriving farmers’ market to town (against all odds), and serving on the board of AMS; I was extremely excited to finally call the borough my home. I was even once featured as the Citizen of the Week in the Ambler Gazette ❤️ 

I chose Ambler for many reasons, but primarily due to the close knit community, the ability to walk into a fantastic town that has so much to offer and is always growing, the absolutely charming homes, and Ambler’s rich history. Another huge benefit of living here is that I can walk out of my front door and be on the Green Ribbon Trail within minutes. Being able to quickly and easily surround myself with the sights and sounds of the Wissahickon Watershed without getting into a car is priceless. I truly appreciate the work that Wissahickon Trails does in preserving and maintaining this treasure and it is my pleasure to make a donation to the organization for each and every home that I sell. Another way that I enjoy nature is in my own little personal oasis that I have created in my backyard. If you’re interested, I like to share photos of my native plants (and their pollinators) as they transition throughout the year on instagram.

Additionally, I am a cat lady (mom to August West, and if you know that reference, we are totally simpatico), a lover of music and a quality bottle of wine, good food is everything, and please don’t expect me to work during an Eagles game (kidding, not kidding). 

Lastly, if you’ve been in the area for 20+ years and I look familiar, but you can’t figure out why, it is likely from Arpeggio. I essentially grew up working there, so if you’re local and like good food, that’s probably how you recognize me. Unknowingly, my years in the restaurant business laid an excellent foundation for my future in real estate. Managing a restaurant requires dynamic people skills, efficient and smart time management, the ability to prioritize, think on your feet, multitask, and solve people’s problems (however large or small they may be, IYKYK 😉).

I realize that this long winded introduction contradicts me being into the whole brevity thing, however, for everything, there is a season, and a time for every purpose. If you made it this far, bravo, I look forward to connecting with you in the future! You can best reach me via call/text at 215-704-9888 or email at [email protected].

If you prefer to connect on social media, you can find me on instagram and facebook. If you’d like to stay up to date on Ambler happenings and connect with your neighbors, you may also enjoy this facebook page.
